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ACF and registrations

  • Hey 🙂

    Could someone please explain how to add ACF user fields to the Buddypress user registration page? That will be MUCH appreciated!!

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi @guit4eva

    It seems that Buddypress uses a custom form for the registration form so ACF can’t add its own fields to the form. For something like this, you need to add the fields manually or use the acf_form() function with ‘form’ function set to false. This page should give you more idea about it:

    After that, you need to update the newly created user after the registration process by using the update_field() function. Unfortunately, I don’t know which hook you can use. Could you please ask this to Buddypress support?

    I hope this helps 🙂

  • Hi there James,

    Thanks so much for that. It’s definitely made the path a bit clearer. Will look into acf_form() and see if I can get it to work.

    Thanks again! 🙂

  • Hey there James,

    Still struggling with this. Is there a way to add the ACF fields to the normal WordPress user registration? (and not BuddyPress)

  • Hi @guit4eva

    Adding the ACF to the WordPress’ registration form is much easier. All you need to do is set the location rule to “User Form” <=> “is equal to” <=> “Register”.

    Please keep in mind that this location rule only available in the PRO version.

    I hope this helps 🙂

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