Hello 🙂
I have a problem and I need a little help with this. I want to update a field (puntos) that I created for the users.
The code that I execute is
`$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$precio_producto = get_field(‘precio’);
$puntos_usuario = get_field(‘puntos’, ‘user_’. $user_id);
$puntos_restantes = $puntos_usuario – $precio_producto;
$field_key = ‘field_54466d765ea42’;
update_field($field_key, $puntos_restantes, ‘user_’. $user_id);
Until here, everything works perfectly.
The problem comes when I try to do it in combination with the plugin "Contact form 7". I want that the field is modified when I send the form. For that I need to use this code in my functions.php:
function descuento_puntos() {
//Web service call goes here
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$precio_producto = get_field(‘precio’);
$puntos_usuario = get_field(‘puntos’, ‘user_’. $user_id);
$puntos_restantes = $puntos_usuario – $precio_producto;
$field_key = ‘field_54466d765ea42’;
update_field($field_key, $puntos_restantes, ‘user_’. $user_id);
add_action(‘wpcf7_mail_sent’, ‘descuento_puntos’);`
And here I don’t get results. The mail is seeded but the update not. Am I doing something wrong?, the update_field() doesn’t function since functions.php?. Sorry, but I’m completely lost. Any help, please?
Thank you in advance 🙂