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I’m looking to create a community website using BuddyPress where users will be able to store and share their favorite links.
I can set custom fields (of the free ACF) and those appear on the user profile page and the user dashboard, but my problem is I cannot fill those fields from the front end, only the backend.
So I guess my question is: Is it possible to fill ACF fields from the BuddyPress user page (not wordpress dashboard)?
I want to use something like the repeater field of ACF pro, but before investing in that, I want to know if the whole thing is even possible with these two plugins.
I’m putting this under pre-purchase because ACF Pro is the plugin with the repeater field that I want to use.
This would be very useful indeed.
What you really want is for a form to insert values directly into BuddyPress xProfile fields. Then you could create WP custom post types which integrate with BP, which would be fab!
BuddyForms Pro has an option to include BP xProfile fields in a form, and as far as I can see is the only form plugin that does so.
However, I have found BuddyForms to be buggy and I cannot implement.
Considering the BuddyPress popularity, I am surprised there is not more (any!) support for this.
BuddyDev has plugins which extend BP xProfile fields and even synchronise BP member types to WP user roles, which is a step in the right direction.
Also, you can use eg. JetEngine to allow element visibility to certain roles, but that is a work-around.
There is probably a way to do it with JE custom queries but that looks like a horrible learning curve!
Something around programaticaly using BP hooks might be useful:
The author of BuddyDev Brajesh Singh seems to be the BuddyPress guru!
Going back to BuddyForms, you can use a custom form to override the BP membership profile form.
Have a look at this also from BuddyDev:
Buddy Blog Pro
I do not know the details of adding custom fields to the front end user form for buddy press.
Adding ACF fields to forms created by other plugins usually involves using acf_form() inserted between the form tags of the other form with the form argument set to false.
If the other plugin allows adding custom fields then you could also hook into the save action used by that plugin and build an action filter that updates the ACF fields.
In any case, what you can do depends on the other plugin and what you can modify about the operation of the other plugin.
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