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ACF 5.8 blocks – styles

  • Hi all,
    I’m testing ACF 5.8.2 beta and I can’t find one basic feature of guttenberg blocks – adding styles for front-end and back-end.
    It would be great if acf_register_block(…) accepts as arguments paths to block styles ( or at least to backend styles )

    Otherwise, the integration looks great.

  • As mentioned in this Blog-Post, you should use admin_enqueue_scripts() and wp_enqueue_scipts() functions.

  • You can also add an editor stylesheet using wordpress’s existing functionality

    so what I’d did was setup my sass build script to exported my block specific css to an editor-styles.css as well as the main stylesheet.

    Its a bit fiddler to make sure that your blocks’ css is self contained but it works pretty well and beats maintaining two different stylesheets

  • by using wp_enqueue_scipts() , admin_enqueue_scripts() not work

  • Can you please give more details about how you did that?

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