Since updating to the newest version of ACF (5.7.5) I can not use the post relation field anymore. When I try to select a post in the selectbox I get the following JS error:
acf-input.js?ver=5.7.5:11402 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘id’ of undefined
Someone of the ACF team? This is quite a big bug for me. I can not use the newest version of the plugin in combination with the post object field because of this.
I have the same issue, this is a pretty big bug imo and should be prioritized.
The bug is introduced in v 5.7.0, going back to 5.6.9 solves it for the moment.
I found out that this has something to do with another version of Select2 thats been loaded by a plugin or whatever.
Unloading the other version of select2 fixed this for me.
Facing this issue since updating to v5.7.0, had to downgrade to v5.6.10.
Can you please tell me more about how you fixed it?
My problem was dat two versions of the Select2 plugin was loaded. The ACF update loaded a newer version than i was loaded myself. For me the trick was to unload the ACF version i was loading my self. Please check the sourcecode of your backend page to see if multiple versions of Select2 are loaded.