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ACF 5.5.8 included PHP Fields from previous versions

  • We are currently debugging an issue where ACF fields from previous versions that are included via php are not displaying in the WP Admin and are not returning data.
    Logs seems to indicate that the db request is only returning a boolean.

    We have had some success by either:
    1: Adding a “key” to older field groups that don’t have one
    register_field_group( array(
    'id' => 'acf_id_tenders_page',
    'title' => 'ID Tenders Page',
    'key' => 'group_dcc010865s342', <---- here

    using a key generator:
    $group = 'group_' . uniqid();

    2: Recreating the fields, exporting and replacing the previous versions code

    will update notes if additonal information come to hand

    ## Update ##

    Confirming that adding a field Group Key has resolved the issue for us.

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