I am having trouble getting the values of the galleries, which are inside a group, which is inside a repeater, which is inside a group, which is inside a repeater. Everything works great if I move the gallery out out of group_parent
to be the same level as that group, but I need it inside. So I think my error is in how I am calling that 2nd group. I’ve tried different things, looking at the resource pages the whole time, but still am stuck. Here is the code:
// Parent Repeater
if( have_rows('parent_gallery') ):
// Loop through rows.
while( have_rows('parent_gallery') ) : the_row();
// parent group, nested in parent repeater
$group_parent = get_sub_field('group_parent');
if ($group_parent):
// Repeater inside group
if( have_rows('children_galleries') ):
// Loop through rows.
while( have_rows('children_galleries') ) : the_row();
$gallerySizeSelect = get_sub_field('gallery_size');
// $title_group = get_sub_field('title_group');
// Group inside nested repeater
$group = get_sub_field('images_group');
// Get galleries
$images = $group['gallery'];
if( $group): ?>
<div class="images_group">
if( $images ): ?>
<ul class="dev-gallery">
<?php foreach( $images as $image ): ?>
<img src="<?php echo esc_url($image['sizes']['thumbnail']); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr($image['alt']); ?>" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif;
endif; ?>
You cannot mix get_sub_field() and have_rows().
$group_parent = get_sub_field('group_parent');
gets an array, including the repeater sub field and its sub fields.
Once you do this then you cannot use have_rows() on the sub fields of this field because you are already inside a have_rows() loop for ‘group_parent’
basically you either need to loop over the array returned without using have_rows() or you always need to use have_rows(). You cannot loop over a sub fields that is a repeater or a group without looping over the parent repeater or group.
// have rows
while( have_rows('parent_gallery') ) ....
while (have_rows('group_parent')) .....
while( have_rows('children_galleries') ) .....
// using the array, I'm not real sure about this but hopefully you get the idea
while( have_rows('parent_gallery') ) : the_row();
$group_parent = get_sub_field('group_parent');
$children_galleries = $group_parent['children_galleries'];
foreach ($children_galleries as $gallery)
at any rate, if you output the array you’ll see what you’re working with
$group_parent = get_sub_field('group_parent');
echo '<pre>'; print_r($group_parent); echo '</pre>';
at each nested level you have a choice, get the sub fields contents or use another have_rows() loop. If you get the sub field values then from that point on you must use the array that is returned and you can no longer use have_rows() for any of its sub fields that are repeaters or groups.
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