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A bit confused about how it works

  • First of all: The deeper I digg into the ACF, the more I am in love with it. Great stuff.

    After fiddling around for a while and after buying the option fields addon, I now stumbled over a problem, regarding creating sub pages and place the fields on it. Assume I add the needed files to a plugin.

    First attempt: acf_add_options_sub_page('Test');
    Brings out a lot of illegal string offset warnings mention the line 275 of acf-option-page.php

    Second attempt (after searching a lot through the forums):

    				'title' => __('Footer player Title', 'textdomain'),
    				'menu' => __('Footer player', 'textdomain'),
    				'slug' => 'ss_audioplayer_footerplayer',
    				'parent' => 'acf-options',
    				'capability' => 'manage_options'

    Works as more or less as desired, puts a sub page under the options page, but gives the title parameter as the menu title and menu as the page headline, what is somewhat confusing. I expected it vice versa.

    But when I now create fields, the root page of the options is only shown when I create the group. The moment I edit it, I can only choose the subpage in the position box. Is this how the addon is supposed to work?

    No problem, I could add a subpage for the general settings as well. But if someone clicks on the Options page menu link, the error ‘No Custom Field Group found for the options page.’ shows up.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Ah, and one last question about this addon: How does it work, I have it included in more than one plugin? Or additionally in my installed theme? If I understand things right, the parent slug will allways be ‘acf-options’. How do I have to deal with that?

    Any bit of help is appreciated, hope I could explain my problems well enough.

    Greetings from germany to all ACF users

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  • Where are you adding this code? If it is in a plugin, please try hooking on plugins_loaded and do it there.

    If you are in a theme, try hooking on init instead.

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