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5.7.6. update lost the input fields in posts and pages

  • I updated to version 5.7.6. in my WP multisite. The fields are still showing in the front end, but I can not edit or see them in the backend. There is no input fields in posts or pages 🙁 I have also updated the database. Is it the only way to go back to version 4?

  • I experienced something similar. When I updated to 5.7.6 the ACF Fields Groups disappeared on the custom fields on pages and posts were no longer visible. I also updated the database.

  • I have rolled back to the last 4.* release and so fixed the problem, but same here on a multisite. Also, I have never seen the upgrade database-message.

  • The upgrade database message is initially hidden due to WP now using JS/AJAX to run the update. What you need to do is to update the plugin and then reload the plugins page and the message will appear at the top.

    When you do this, if you have any of the addons installed (repeater, options page, flex) these plugins should show that updates are available. You should update these as well before upgrading the db.

  • John,

    That is exactly what I did -I updated the ACF plugin, then updated the add-ons repeater and flex, and then the database. After doing those steps in that sequence all of my Field Groups disappeared. I am using the free version of ACF. I upgraded from Version 4.4.12 to 5.7.6 and running Word Press 4.9.8. How can I roll back???

  • There are troubleshooting tips here

    The first thing you should probably do is roll back to V4. There are instructions on how to do this. Not the rest of the possible errors.

    If all else fails, contact support and they will try to resolve your issue.

  • John,

    Thank you for the rollback information. I will try to upgrade again.

  • Okay, I rolled back to a 4.* version – fields where there, but this should not be a solution.

    I edited wp_options → acf_version to “4.4.12” and performed a DB-update on the site that was causing the problem. Did not work.

    Then I went through ALL subsites on a database level (wp_1_, wp_2_, etc.) and changed all wp_options.acf_versions to “4.4.12”, even on sites where I do not use the plugin actively. So in the end I had to update ALL of them.

    I did that in one go and this did the job. My fields are back and everything works as it should.

    It seems that if the update failed on one of the sites, all sites suffer. Hope, this helps you guys, too.

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