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  • Hi John,

    Thanks for the troubleshooting tips.

    On my local I do see all the acf-field posts, and their post_titles have content, but the post_excerpts are empty.

    I reimported one of the acf-json files and it seemed to work, all the field names are in post_excerpts, and I can see them in the Field Groups page. I updated back to 5.8 and it’s still fine.

    I went to test this on staging but it didn’t work. Then I remembered I had downgraded my local ACF to 5.7.13. So I tried downgrading on staging but that didn’t work either. I even tried deleting and reinstalling ACF. I tried with all plugins deactivated, and with them active. Here are the ones I have installed:

    ACF Pro
    Classic Editor
    Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly)
    Safe SVG
    WordPress Importer
    WP Sync DB
    WP Sync DB Media Files
    Yoast SEO

    I’ve built a ton of sites using some combo or all of the above plugins, and more. I’m kind of at a loss for what to do next. Luckily if it all goes to shit I’m only down the home page content as I’ve just started on this project. I can push my local db up to stage and probably fix it that way, still kind of nerve wracking.

    Thanks again.