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  • Hello! I have problem with Wysiwyg Editor when I’m using WordPress 4.9.5 + ACF PRO (Version 5.6.10) + qTranslate-X (Version + Advanced Custom Fields: qTranslate (Version 1.7.23).

    If I choose tabs Visual $ Text in field settings:
    On post/page edit page in Wysiwyg Editor I see the only tabs and not formatted text in text area, and no toolbars.
    If I click on any tab, visual or text in Wysiwyg Editor the toolbars become visible.

    If I choose single tab Visual OR Text in field settings:
    On post/page edit page in Wysiwyg Editor I see the only not formatted text in text area, and no toolbars.
    And if I’m trying to click somewhere on Wysiwyg Editor the toolbars are not appear.

    I can send screen video 🙂