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  • To clarify now that I understand more:

    I am using my theme’s existing custom taxonomy portfolio-category, but I don’t know how to perform a var_dump of that field (assuming it’s a field and not a subfield) outside of the loop. I want to eventually be able to use each category I assign via checkbox a link, and to use my portfolio’s existing archive view to view the posts under that category.

    In my theme:
    I have one category in my theme’s ‘portfolio-category’ named ‘media’ (slug is also media) and five children assigned under that category:
    Acrylic (slug: acrylic-media)
    Textured Acrylic (slug: textured-acrylic-media)
    Digital (slug: digital-media)
    Prismacolor (slug: prismacolor)

    In ACF
    Field label: Media
    field name (slug?): media
    field type: Taxonomy
    Taxonomy: portfolio_category
    Field Type: Checkbox
    Term is ID, not object.
    Null is currently not allowed

    Since I’m using a taxonomy, using anything like [‘label’] would be out of the question (right?), which is why any of the sub-field snippits I tried did not work, and that a value of 5 from the var_dump was because there is 1 field and 4 sub-fields in my theme’s taxonomy assigned the field ‘media’. So if this method is too complex, then I could resort to another option and attempt to create my own archive function in the (probably distant) future…

    If checkbox were chosen instead of taxonomy, I could assign each category a label and a variable in the choices fields in ACF

    So something like


    would work if I wanted to set a value to an ‘href’. But…

    I would have to call each subfield by name to retrieve the values from that field, right? Or would there be any way to assign a x-variable type value so I can just add what I wanted to ACF as I add more subfields? A pain, but not quite as much writing code for every subfield in addition to adding to ACF and therefore having two areas to edit.