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  • ok, that’s it, I was calling it to late. thank you.

    adding this will load the js for all pages of my website, correct ?
    Should this could create side effect ?

    I display my fields in a table, each row having 5 fields :

    checkbox1 field1.1 field1.2 field1.3 field1.4
    checkbox2 field2.1 field2.2 field2.3 field2.4

    my conditional logic is: when check box 2 is unchecked then hide field 2.2, it’s working but the other fields are not aligned anymore

    checkbox1 field1.1 field1.2 field1.3 field1.4
    checkbox2 field2.1 field2.3 field2.4
    etc …

    do you have an idea on how to avoid that ?
