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  • I will be honest. I don’t think this means anything. I think it is just annoying. I already upgraded all of the sites. And I don’t see anything specifically triggering this, so it just seems like this shows up in the latest version for no good reason. I am moving on and forcing it off. Add this somewhere to remove it:

    add_filter( 'acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false' );

    Plugin to apply to network, change info as needed. I saved it to remove-acf-network-admin-notice.php and uploaded the file to my site’s plugins:

     * @wordpress-plugin
     * Plugin Name:       Remove ACF Network Admin Notice
     * Description:       Removes the non-working, seamingly senseless upgrade notice in ACF
     * Version:           1.0.0
     * Author:            Jupitercow
     * Author URI:
     * Contributor:       Jake Snyder
     * License:           GPL-2.0+
     * License URI:
     * Network:           true
    add_filter( 'acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false' );