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  • I was trying to accomplish something similar. Here is how I did it.

    My PHP is rusty so if you spot any improvements please do let me know.

    I wanted to populate my post title to combine two custom fields: first-name and last-name

    function custom_field_value_as_title( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
    	global $_POST;
    	// vars
    	$new_title_first_name = get_field('first-name', $post_id);
    	$new_title_last_name = get_field('last-name', $post_id);
        $new_title = "$new_title_last_name, $new_title_first_name";
    	//$new_slug = sanitize_title( $new_title );
        $result = 
    	// update post
    	  $my_post = array(
          'ID'         => $post_id,
          'post_title' => $new_title,
    	  'post_name'  => $post_id //originally $new_slug
    // Update the post into the database
      wp_update_post( $my_post );
    add_filter('acf/update_value', 'custom_field_value_as_title', 10, 3);

    The result in the post title is last-name, first-name. For example: “Obama, Barack”