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  • It has been a few since I upgraded but I remember that is was pretty easy. I just re-read the steps and it sounds pretty straightforward. 🙂

    1. Backup your database (.sql)
    2. If you are using any of the former V4 add-ons than make sure you have access ACF Pro
    3. If you developed any “custom field types” then you need to upgrade them:
    4. Add the ACF PRO plugin to your website (drag the advanced-custom-fields-pro folder to the /wp-content/plugins/) folder
    5. Activate ACF PRO
    6. Deactivate ACF 4 and any premium ACF 4 Add-ons


    What part are you stuck on?

    As far as the importing V4 backups into V5, can’t say for sure. Though you could import them into ACF 4 then upgrade to ACF5.