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  • Hi Elliot, no worries at all. Actually i’ve figured out the root of the problem. It wasn’t a temporary glitch, the defined urls for WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL were the reason.

    I am developing locally with MAMP and Codekit 2. When i’ve used e.g. those settings:

    define('WP_HOME', '');
    define('WP_SITEURL', '');

    even when i’ve set portforwarding for this ip and port i was unable to access the developed site from remote. But a friend suggested me the following:

    define('WP_HOME', 'http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].'/mysite');
    define('WP_SITEURL', 'http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].'/mysite');

    With those definitions i was able that someone else could access my locally developed site from remote. I think since i’ve changed to those $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] definitions other updates worked fine but it was the first update with ACF. Now i know the cause but the why i am not sure. 😉 But maybe that helps you to understand my discovered issue better. Should the update basically work with $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] or not all and i shall return using local ips? Best regards Ralf