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  • @hube2 ,

    Ages ago, you posted this code…

      // this action is run by ACF whenever a field is deleted
      // and is called for every field in a field group when a field group is deleted
      add_action('acf/delete_field', 'delete_acf_content_on_delete_field');
      function delete_acf_content_on_delete_field($field) {
        // runs when acf deletes a field
        // find all occurences of the field key in all tables and delete them
        // and the custom field associated with them
        global $wpdb;
        // remove any tables from this array that you don't want to check
        $tables = array('options', 'postmeta', 'termmeta', 'usermeta', 'commentmeta');
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
          $key_field = 'meta_key';
          $value_field = 'meta_value';
          if ($table == 'options') {
            $key_field = 'option_name';
            $value_field = 'option_value';
          $table = $wpdb->{$table};
          // this query gets all key fields matching the acf key reference field
          $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT('.$key_field.')
                    FROM '.$table.'
                    WHERE '.$value_field.' = "'.$field['key'].'"';
          $results = $wpdb->get_col($query);
          if (!count($results)) {
            // no content found in this table
          // loop through keys and construct list of meta_key/option_names to delete
          $keys = array();
          foreach ($results as $key) {
            $keys[] = $key; // delete acf field key reference
            $keys[] = substr($key, 1); // delete acf field value
          // do escping of all values.... just in case
          $keys = $wpdb->_escape($keys);
          // delete all of the content
          $query = 'DELETE FROM '.$table.'
                    WHERE '.$key_field.' IN ("'.implode('","', $keys).'")';
        } // end foreach table

    For me, it doesn’t seem to fire when I delete a field (and re-save the group).

    Any reason why, in 2023, that wouldn’t work?
