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  • Hi Elliot,

    1. I think it is an ACF5 bug. With ACF5-relationship field, as described before (post type called “products”, realtionship field called “related_products”, using that code) you get no excerpt.

    2. Windows 7 x64, chrome (last version). I try to be more clear. Into /post-new.php?post_type=acf-field-group, click on “add field”, default type is “text”. Click on “text” (to change field type). While you see the ajax loader, if you click keyboard up or down it adds (and show all the loaders) other fields options. (see screnshots)

    3. I can’t explain this better. I created a group of fields, than another. I moved some fields from 1 to 2, saved (maybe it’s publish button the problem). Then I exit ACF groups menu, came back and no fields appear.