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  • Hi guys.

    Just wanted to shed some light on the client upgrade fear. I’ll be writing an article soon, but for now I’ll briefly explain.

    If a client upgrades from ACF4 to ACF5, the premium add-ons will no longer work. Please note that the client’s website will not ‘go down’ or ‘break’, however, some front end code will stop returning data / displaying.

    After the client updates to ACF5, they will be prompted with a message telling them of the current situation and provide a button to roll back to the previous ACF4 they had previously installed.

    After they rollback, the website will continue working as per usual.

    The client may contact you to ask about what has happened, and you can either manually upgrade them to ACF PRO, or tell them to ignore the updates for ACF.

    All 3rd party add-ons (like the time picker) should receive ACF5 compatibility (it is not difficult) soon.

    Hope that clears up some q’s.
