

Home Forums Front-end Issues Can't display the fields assigned in Taxonomies in other pages Reply To: Can't display the fields assigned in Taxonomies in other pages

  • Hi @ramonesmania_1986hotmail-com

    You need to loop through the taxonomy and get the ID, then use that to access the ACF data:

    #get the taxonomy
    if( $authors = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => 'author' ) ) ) :
    	foreach( $authors as $author ) :
    		#echo $author->term_id; #debug
    		#now you have the tax ID, you can access the ACF field
    		#use this option to return the value or label
    		$author = get_field('creator', 'author_'.$author->term_id); 
    		echo $author;
    		#ensure the return format is set to both (array) in the acf field to use the below
    		$value =  esc_attr($author['value']);
    		$label =  esc_html($author['label']);
    		echo 'value: '.$value.' label: '.$label; 