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  • Hi jarvis
    thank you very much for your help
    It’s super nice
    But I just realized that I already have a problem when I use my form
    When I click on add images nothing happens
    The add button turns black

    Here are screenshots
    These are of course tests that I carry out

    <?php /*Template Name: User Submit*/;?>
    <?php acf_form_head(); ?>
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="container" >
        <div class="row">
        	<div class="col-sm-12">
    			<?php /* The loop */ ?>
    			<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    				<!-- a supprimer si on enlève l'éditeur par défaut -->
    					<p> <?php the_field('Ingredients'); ?></p>
    					<p> <?php the_field('Cuisson'); ?></p>
    					<p> <?php the_field('Temps'); ?></p>
    				<p> <?php the_field('Preparation'); ?></p>
    				<p> <?php the_field('Difficulté'); ?></p>
    			<p> <?php the_field('gallery'); ?></p>
    				<?php  $options = array('post_id'		=> 'new',
    		'field_groups' => array(4),
    		'post_title'	=> true,
    			'post_type'		=> 'recette',
    			'post_status'	=> 'draft',
    		//'updated_message'    => 'Merci pour votre participation!Votre recette sera publiée prochainement',
    		'updated_message' => __("Recette publiée", 'acf'),
    		//'return'		=> home_url('merci'),
    	'%post_url%', // Redirect to new post url
    		'submit_value'	=> 'Postez votre recette'
    		//'submit_value'	=> 'Send'
    			<?php endwhile; ?>
    		</div><!-- #content -->
    	</div><!-- #primary -->
    <?php //get_footer(); ?>
