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  • Good point, here is the code to create the short code, the way we have it is that we made the option page, and from there editors will add the text. With the short code we will place it on the design website (this is about us), with its design, on the text editor (in this case (fusion builder), then theoretically it will display the text with the new look on the about us page. Right now, the text shows up on top of the content, and the design of it under it (without, ignoring any relation).

    // About us
    function my_tabout_shortcode() { 
        $tabout = get_field('tabout', 'option');?>
    <div class="tabout" id="tabout"><span> <?php echo $tabout; ?> </span></div>
    add_shortcode( 'my_tabout', 'my_tabout_shortcode' );

    See for example,

    <h1 style=”color:red; margin:15px, width:200px”>[my_fptitle]</h1>