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    Template Name: Coaching (Flex Layout)
      if( have_rows('coaching_flex_sections') ):
      // not needed
      //$sections = get_field( 'coaching_flex_sections' );
      <div class="coaching flex-sections">
          while( have_rows('coaching_flex_sections') ): the_row();
            // while( have_posts() ): the_post();
              // Loop through flexible fields and load the respective file for each.
              // double loop over rows -- remove
              // foreach( $sections as $i => $section ) {
                // change to get_row_layout()
                $part = get_stylesheet_directory().'/_template-parts/flex-layout/sections/'.get_row_layout().'.php';
                if ( file_exists( $part ) ) {
                  include( $part );
                } else {
                  echo '<!-- Error: No such flexible field type "'. esc_html($section['acf_fc_layout']) .' at '. esc_html($part) .'" -->';
              // } // end of nested double loop - remove
            // endwhile;
    <?php endif; ?>