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  • hi elliot,

    Good day

    Also I am having problem rendering NextGen Gallery in wysiwyg editor. Please see code below.

     if (get_sub_field('column')) {
                            $row_count = count(get_sub_field('column'));
                            while (has_sub_field('column')) {
                                $str_ret .='<div class="item-wrapper">';
                                $str_ret .= '<h4 class="item-title">' . get_sub_field('title') . '</h4>';
                                    $content = get_sub_field('content');
                                    $p = get_sub_field('widget');
                                    $content = $p->post_content;
                                $str_ret .= '<div class="item-content">'.$content.'</div>';
                                $str_ret .='</div>';
    echo $str_ret;

    I am trying to create a multiple column content using flexible content wysiwyg editor but all I am getting is the one image. NextGen code will be like this <img alt="" src="" /> not same old shortcode.

    Hope to hear from your end.
