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  • hi, @elliot

    I’m was writing new forum thread, but when start selecting “tags”, found this post 🙂

    , means “displaying it as bullet list” – taxonomy field with radio button type..

    so, i have same problem..

    I have three ACF field groups.

    First – field group “general”:
    -some fields,
    -taxonomy field, field type – radio button, “Load & Save Terms to Post” checked.

    And two more – field groups “child1” and “child2”:
    -some fields,
    -and group options, “Show this field group if” : post taxonomy -> equal -> specified taxonomy element.

    According to my configuration, this must work thus:

    When editing/creating post, and selecting taxonomy field value by radio button, ACF, according on my group options for “child1” and “child2” field groups, it must show me the field group on, which approaches under the condition..

    But this does not work since must..
    It seems to me that the problem in Load & Save Terms to Post with radio button taxonomy field

    If i go to “general” field group options & change taxonomy field type from radio button to checkbox – it’s all will be work fine.

    so that it is possible with this to do?)