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I’m looking to create a Repeater-field in my Options-page. The repeater shall then populate into a Drop-down visible on the “Edit”-Page of a post. I’d like to use it to be able to create items of contact information for the management team on the options page, and have them selectable on posts/pages.
Is this possible?
Hi @Patrik
This sounds like a good fit for a tutorial I wrote here:
This covers how to dynamically populate a select field based on an options page repeater!
Hope that helps.
This seems to do exactly what I need!
However I’ve done what the tutorial says (Example 2,) but it’s not working.
Is the tutorial meant for populating a drop-down on an “Edit post page”, or made for use on the front-end?
Does the tutorial require that I include ACF in my theme, or can it remain a as a plugin?
Hi @Patrik
This does not require ACF to be added in your theme
The tutorial shows how to modify a field object. If you load this field on the front end, then the above code will run.
Ah I see. That’s the problem then – I load the field within the Admin, so the code doesn’t execute… Is that possible to do?
Hi @Patrik
I don’t quite understand what you mean by the above, and I don’t know how to answer your question. Can you please re phrase?
Ok so, this is what I want to do:
I want to have a drop-down (<select>
) on the Posts > Add Post / Edit Post page. I want this drop-down to be populated by a <i>Repeater</i> on the Options page.
Essentially, I can then go to the Options page only visible to me, and using the repeater I can add Contact Persons for example.
Then, as a regular user adds a post (a press release for instance,) he/she can choose which of the Contact Persons I’ve added, to be visible on the press release itself.
Then I must have done something wrong, because I couldn’t get it to work :/
I’ll try again and I’ll let you know.
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