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I have a custom post type for cast and crew for a community theater site.
I have a select field with multiple choices based on roles (actor, dancer, director, etc.) – multiple roles are possible for each person.
I also need to be able to list all actors, dancers, etc. Normally I would use a taxonomy for this, but how can I have the select field assign this person to the matching taxonomy? Is this even possible at all in ACF?
super easy to do even with free version.
1. Create field group for the post_type (Post Type is equal to Cast and Crew)
2. create a field of type Taxonomy, select what taxonomy to use, appearance of ‘Select’
3. The new select field will now appear when editing/creating a “Cast and Crew” post
Do ACF people answer these questions? Or do they hope we just help each other. I’ve seen many questions with no responses.
Thanks for the reply @curtisfraser ! I’m guessing there is no official ACF support here 🙁
ok, so here is where I was making my mistake. I have one taxonomy for each role. I was trying to put one of those in the Taxonomy field. Instead I created a new Taxonomy named ‘Role’ and when I use *that* one, I get the option to pick one of three roles.
Now I can’t figure out how to get taxonomies to show up in various places. I pretty much have all settings matched/duplicated, but some show up under CPT, some show in the right-hand column in CPT, and some just don’t show up at all 🙁
Having taxonomy show up in right hand column when editing/adding a post is done by selecting it from screen options.
Provided of course that the taxonomy in question is associated with the post_type.
This can be done in functions.php
register_taxonomy(“imaTaxonomy”, [“imaPostType”]);
OK, got that cleared away. However, when I assign someone some roles, then update, I can then go into each taxonomy for those roles and the person is *not* in them! That’s the part that’s killing me right now…
May be related to using ‘save terms’ which then overrides wp meta box? I did find where to see a list of actors (which is showing up in Elementor) but it’s not pulling in any extra fields so more work to do……
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