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  • Wow, I feel so dumb. Just figure out my problem. LOCATION!!!!!!

    foreach ( $portfolio_items as $item ) {
                $image = nk_get_attachment( $item['thumbnail'], 'nk_1920x1080' );
                $image_small = nk_get_attachment( $item['thumbnail'], 'nk_300x300' );
    			$pTitle = get_field_object('portfolio_title', $item['id']);
    			$pSubtitle = get_field_object('portfolio_subtitle', $item['id']);
    			$pTagline = get_field_object('portfolio_tagline', $item['id']);
    			$pLink = get_field_object('portfolio_link', $item['id']);
                if ( $image || $image_small ) {
                    $active_class = $active_slide == $item['id'] ? 'active' : '';
                    $position_x = nk_get_option( 'background_x_position', 50, true, $item['id'] );
                    $position_y = nk_get_option( 'background_y_position', 50, true, $item['id'] );
                    $position = (int) $position_x . '% ' . (int) $position_y . '%';
                    // prepare video
                    $video_type = nk_get_option( 'video_type', 'disable', true, $item['id'] );
                    $video_url = '';
                    $video_size = nk_get_option( 'video_size', '', true, $item['id'] );
                    if ( $video_type === 'local' ) {
                        $mp4 = nk_get_option( 'video_mp4', '', true, $item['id'] );
                        $webm = nk_get_option( 'video_webm', '', true, $item['id'] );
                        $ogv = nk_get_option( 'video_ogv', '', true, $item['id'] );
                        if ( $mp4 && is_array( $mp4 ) ) {
                            $video_url .= 'mp4:' . esc_url( $mp4['url'] );
                        if ( $webm && is_array( $webm ) ) {
                            $video_url .= ( strlen( $video_url ) ? ',' : '' ) . 'webm:' . esc_url( $webm['url'] );
                        if ( $ogv && is_array( $ogv ) ) {
                            $video_url .= ( strlen( $video_url ) ? ',' : '' ) . 'ogv:' . esc_url( $ogv['url'] );
                    } else if ( $video_type === 'yt_vm' ) {
                        $video_url = nk_get_option( 'video_url', '', true, $item['id'] );
                    $categories = '';
                    if ( $item['categories'] && count( $item['categories'] ) > 0 ) {
                        foreach ( $item['categories'] as $k => $cat ) {
                            $categories .= ( $k > 0 ? '|' : '' ) . $cat->name;
                    $srcset = wp_get_attachment_image_srcset( $item['thumbnail'], 'nk_1920x1080' );
                    <div class="nk-slider-item <?php echo esc_attr( $active_class ); ?>" data-categories="<?php echo esc_attr( $categories ); ?>" data-background-position="<?php echo esc_attr( $position ); ?>">
                        echo '<img
                            src="' . esc_url( $image['src'] ) . '"
                            srcset="' . esc_attr( $image_small ? $image_small['src'] : $image['src'] ) . '"
                            data-srcset="' . esc_attr( $srcset ) . '"
                            alt="' . esc_attr( $item['title'] ) . '"
                            style="object-position: ' . esc_attr( $position ) . ';"
    						title="'?><?php echo $pTitle['value'] ?><?php echo'"
    						subtitle="'?><?php echo $pSubtitle['value'] ?><?php echo'"
    						tagline="'?><?php echo $pTagline['value'] ?><?php echo'"
    						link="'?><?php echo $pLink['value'] ?><?php echo'"
                        if ( $video_url ) {
                            echo '<div data-bg-video="' . esc_attr( $video_url ) . '" data-bg-video-size="' . esc_attr( $video_size ? $video_size : '16x9' ) . '"></div>';

    I was placing the acf code in the wrong area. Although, if you have a better way to code, that will be a big help too. I know, my code is sloppy. 🙁