Thanks for your answer.
It seems that it comes from this part :
'key' => 'prix',
'value' => $prix,
'type' => 'NUMERIC',
'compare' => '<='
Because when I comment this part, the search is faster. But I don’t know how to be more efficient than that…
Concerning the change from LIKE to =, I tried. But nothing appears when I’m using it. Is it possible to use = with CHAR ? Because it’s well stored as “Appartement”, “Maison” or “Local commercial” (and in the search, I have the capitalized word, so strictly the same as it’s stored in database).
In every case, I can’t ask my client to come back to all his products to update them, he will be mad ^^
Ok, the part that I asked help for is working, but not everything, so don’t take my code above as my final anwser :p
There will be around 2000 “Programmes” in the DB…
I’ve found another way to do it. Maybe not the best way or the cleanest but hey, it works !
<?php foreach($produits->posts as $id):?>
<?php if( have_rows('prix',$id)): ?>
<?php /*If Typology AND Price are selected in the search engine */ ?>
<?php while( have_rows('prix',$id) ) : the_row();?>
<?php if((!empty($_POST['typologie']) && $_POST['typologie'] == get_sub_field('typo_prog')) && (!empty($_POST['prix']) && $_POST['prix'] > get_sub_field('prix_prog'))):?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink($id);?>" class="produit col-md-4">
<?php endif;?>
<?php endwhile;?>
<?php /*If Typology or price are NOT selected in the search engine */ ?>
<?php if(empty($_POST['typologie']) || empty($_POST['prix'])):?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink($id);?>" class="produit col-md-4">
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
Ok. I understand.
I’ll keep trying. Thanks.
Ok. I understand.
I’ll keep trying. Thanks.
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