

Forum Replies Created

  • Well, I guess I figured it out. However, would doing this even be advisable?

    I ask because… if we’re be able to manage the post_excerpt via acf/save_post with a custom ACF WYSIWG field, wouldn’t it just bloat the database? I.e. have a value stored for both the ACF and post_excerpt field?

    The code I’ve used:

    function update_post_excerpt($post_id) {
    	// Set excerpt value from field
    	$post_excerpt = get_field('field_12345',$post_id);
    	// Update post options array
    	$update_post_excerpt_args = array(
    		'ID'			=> $post_id,
    		'post_excerpt'	=> $post_excerpt,
    	// Update the post into the database
    	wp_update_post( $update_post_excerpt_args );
    add_action('acf/save_post', 'update_post_excerpt', 20);
  • Hi James,

    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I’ve not yet tried theacf/save_post hook on this. I’m not entirely sure how to accomplish this and generally have difficulty with understanding this hook.



  • Ok, I’ve figured out the author bit, because I needed to use the ID. I’m still stuck on the taxonomy

    $options = array(
    	'post_id'			=> 'new_post',
    	'post_title'			=> true,
    	'new_post'			=> array(
    		'post_type'		=> 'my-cpt',
    		'post_status'		=> 'publish',
    		'post_author'		=> $user_id  // Where $user_id is a number
    		'tax_input'		=> array('my_taxonomy' => $taxo_id), // Not working
    	'field_groups'			=> array(
    	'submit_value' 			=> __("Add CPT", 'acf'),
    	'updated_message' 		=> __("CPT Added", 'acf'),
    	'uploader'			=> 'wp'

    Regarding the taxonomy, I’ve read this thread:

    acf_form, new_post, tax_input requires to be logged in

    – and –

    Using ‘tax_input’ with wp_insert_post() and nothing happens

    …so it seems that the user needs permission to assign taxonomies – OR – I need to use wp_set_object_terms() using acf/save_post. I’ve increased permissions, which appears to have worked, but I am curious if there’s a way to do this via wp_set_object_terms() so I don’t have to increase permissions.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  • You’re a rock star John! Thank you so much, that worked perfectly!

  • Hey John!

    Thanks for the response!

    RE: Database Values The value in question uses separate database rows.

    You’re right about getting the data from the other plugin (the plugin is CPT-onomies, being relatively easy and I’m able to do this.

    RE: Type of ACF Field

    I’m using a select that I’m populating dynamically. Ideally each one of these selects would correspond to a different row in the database meta_key value.

    Hope this makes sense and I’m happy to clarify with anything else if need be!

  • Found out, literally a minute after posting this. Turns out it was a matter of getting the meta_value first, then setting the field via $my_cpt_field[‘default_value’]

    Here’s the code

    //Populate the Select field, 'My Post Type' (field_1234) with dynamic values
    add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_1234', function($my_cpt_field) {
    	global $post_id;
    	$post_id = $_GET['exp_id'];	
    	$cptonomy_post_meta = get_post_meta($post_id,'_custom_post_type_onomies_relationship',false);
    	$cptonomy_val1 = $cptonomy_post_meta[0];
    	$cptonomy_val2 = $cptonomy_post_meta[1];
    	// Cptonomy Loop
    	$cptonomy_arr = get_posts( array(
    		'numberposts'		=> -1,
    		'post_type'		=> 'my_post_type',
    		'my-taxo'		=> 'taxo-1',
    		'suppress_filters'	=> false,
    		'orderby'		=> 'title',
    		'order'			=> 'ASC',
    	) );
    	//These can be dynamically generated using any PHP code
    	if( $cptonomy_arr ) {
    		foreach ( $cptonomy_arr as $cptonomy_item ) {
    			$my_cpt_field['choices'][$cptonomy_item->ID] = get_the_title($cptonomy_item->ID); // This populates the select field options fine
    			// How do I set the 'selected' value'?
    			$my_cpt_field['default_value'] = $cptonomy_val2; // this way
    	return $my_cpt_field;
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