Thank you! Appreciate the help 🙂
Yeah I had pretty much used the same code as above as.
$selection = get_field('sa_select_bookmaker', 'option');
if( !empty( $selection ) ) {
if( have_rows( 'side_ads', 'option' ) ) {
while( have_rows( 'side_ads', 'option' ) ) {
$title = get_sub_field('sa_bookmaker');
if( in_array( $title == $selection ) ) {
$title = get_sub_field('sa_bookmaker');
$org = get_sub_field('left_ad');
$img = get_sub_field('right_ad');
<?php echo $title; ?> <?php echo $org; ?> <?php echo $img; ?>
Sorry to bring up an old post but I’m having the exact same issue as nateads.
Is anyone able to help with this one?