Hey, i’m looking for that same thing. Can you post the solution here? Thanks.
Yes! Thanks you debendra, just what i was looking for. I wonder why ACF team didn’t come up with this…
Location “Nav Menu” For ACF plugin is now broken or not supported anymore? Cant get it to work with ACF PRO latest.
@acf-support Yes! This solved my empty line error.
So, after some testing, disabling all other plugins and returning to default WP template It finally did remove that empty line. But, I did have WPML installed before and after disabling it, it did left behind all languages ACF blocks, so I had three repeater blocks. If i did remove empty lines from all three repeaters(EST, RUS, ENG) it did save, but if i removed it from only one language repeater block it did not save and recreated that empty line. So, i think that is related to WPML and ACF compability because default template didn’t have any effect with WPML enabled. I have latest versions from both plugins.
Sorry, can’t do any testing on a live site. So I can only share json.
I am having exactly that same issue. I cannot remove last empty repeater row, it just refuses to save and appears after saving.
No, sorry, this only wraps every item in div. I need it to count out first 5 rows, wrap them in div and count out another remaining rows and wrap them in another div.
Yes, this solved my problem. But why is it like that?
Yes! Thanks!
But, will it be integrated to the plugin?
And what if i have for example 6 levels deep menu. Can you modify this code to take 1 level page as a guide?
Yes, exactly that is my goal. But how can i “inject” values from custom field(php) to javascript?
I can disable dates manually by editing datepicker script, but the problems is to getting it work with dynamic editing.
I mean, in theory, i should be able to enter number manually that will be disabled in front-end. This means combining js function with acf fields. Is this doable?
I du have issue with ACF flexible content image field. There is add image button, but after clicking it, nothing happens.
Can someone adjust that piece of code to work with => http://wayfarerweb.com/jquery/plugins/simplethumbs/ ?
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