Hi, First you need to find where is the file that generates the page you want to edit, this is different per module so you need to find it on your own (can’t help you there mate). But if you have this figured out you will see somewhere there in the code a variable that calls the category specifics, and that variable is the used to call the name of the page for example(this was my case), you only have to use the variable with the function then. If you can tell what template you use i may be able to help you, if its free i will find the template and the place where you should input your code.
Well after some time time and the support of the guys in ACF i got through this. My template was accessing category data only by reference, a variable was created that referenced to the category id, and by that variable the category name and other data were called.
Thankfully the guys at ACF have thought through that and the only thing i had to add was the variable in the classic function the_field(‘field_name’,$variable) and everything worked great.
Also i just noticed, that if i add the field in the first post of this category (maybe i should mention this is a custom section not the default category-post one that i use as a portofolio) the call on the category will start getting data, the ones that i specify on the post…