The latest version now works with ACF5, qTranslate Plus and qTranslate-X.
I’ve just released an updated version of the ACF qTranslate plugin with v5 support.
You can monkey patch qTranslate to fix the issue.
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'qtranslate_monkey_patch', 3);
function qtranslate_monkey_patch() {
global $q_config;
if (strpos($q_config['js']['qtrans_hook_on_tinyMCE'], 'ed.editorId.match(/^qtrans_/)') === false) {
$q_config['js']['qtrans_hook_on_tinyMCE'] = preg_replace("/(qtrans_save\(switchEditors\.pre_wpautop\(o\.content\)\);)/", "if (ed.editorId.match(/^qtrans_/)) \$1", $q_config['js']['qtrans_hook_on_tinyMCE']);
You don’t need to modify ACF can just throw this in your functions.php
add_filter('acf/format_value_for_api', 'theme_format_value_for_api');
function theme_format_value_for_api($value) {
return is_string($value) ? __($value) : $value;