

Forum Replies Created

  • Hi @jonathan, I found the solution.
    Im not sure why this would break the count();.
    Do you know why?

    This is what I had:

    if ( have_rows('repeater') ) :
    	$counter = get_sub_field('repeater');
    	// $counter = get_field('repeater'); if not in Flexible Content
    	while ( have_rows('repeater') ) : the_row();
    		$count = count( $counter );
    		echo $count;
    		// HTML goes here

    And this is what works:

    $counter = get_sub_field('repeater');
    // $counter = get_field('repeater'); if not in Flexible Content
    if ( have_rows('repeater') ) :
    	while ( have_rows('repeater') ) : the_row();
    		$count = count( $counter );
    		echo $count;
    		// HTML goes here
  • Hi @jonathan, this is what I have:

    <?php if( have_rows('section') ):
        while ( have_rows('section') ) : the_row();
    		// Repeater Block
            if ( get_row_layout() == 'content_block_repeater' ):
    			// Repeater Field
    			if( have_rows('repeater') ) :
    			$counter = get_sub_field('repeater');
    			//$counter = get_field('repeater');
    			echo '<div class="repeater_block">';
    				// Loop
    				while ( have_rows('repeater') ) : the_row();
    					$h3 = get_sub_field('repeater_h3');
    					$em = get_sub_field('repeater_em');
    					$count = count( $counter );
    					if ( $count == 3 ) {
    						$span = 'span33';
    					} elseif ( $count == 2 ) {
    						$span = 'span50';
    					} else {
    						$span = 'span100';
    					// Output
    					echo '<div class="'. $span .'">';
    						echo '<h3>'. $h3 .'</h3>';
    						echo '<em>'. $em .'</em>';
    					echo '</div>';
    					// End Output
    				// End Loop
    			echo '</div>';
    		// Text Block
            elseif ( get_row_layout() == 'content_block_text' ): 
            	// get_template_part( '/_content/text' );
            else :
            	// No Content
    endif; ?>
  • Hey, I am having this same problem.
    I can count repeater rows normally. But if there is a repeater field inside the Flexible Content it won’t count.

    I have tired “get_field” and “get_sub_field” using the code by @jonathan but doesn’t count.

    Any luck @mantismamita ?

  • I have been using something like this for my projects.
    hope it helps.

    This code is on the taxonomy-(your taxonomy).php file

    <?php $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); // get current term ?>
    <?php if ( have_rows('category_slideshow', $term) ): ?>
    	<?php while ( have_rows('category_slideshow', $term) ) : the_row();
    	$img = get_sub_field('category_slideshow_image', $term);
    	<img src="<?php echo $img['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $img['alt'] ?>" />
    	<?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
  • Update!

    I have read all the posts about memory limits and database character length.
    I have resolved my issue by changing the Taxonomy name from:
    “collections-category” to “coll-cat”.

    It must of been too long to store in the DB.

    Worth knowing for anyone else having this issue.


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