

Forum Replies Created

  • I changed my quote to make it more explicit. 😉

  • I have the same problem with ACF not pro. I’m a teacher. Four in six students had this problem. I didn’t really understannd why some and not all of them.

    The solution is almost the same:

    As a temporary fix, you can follow these steps:

    – get a Google API Key

    – make sure the Google Maps Api’s are enabled:

    Google Maps Directions API
    Google Maps Distance Matrix API
    Google Maps Elevation API
    Google Maps Geocoding API
    Google Maps JavaScript API
    Google Places API Web Service
    Google Static Maps API
    – copy the generated API key

    – open the input.min.js file located in the plugins folder of your WordPress-install (full path: /wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/js/input.min.js)

    – find sensor=false&libraries=places and replace both instances (it’s present 2 times) with key=XXX&libraries=places (replace XXX with your own API key)

    – enjoy!

    IMPORTANT REMARK: as soon as you update the ACF plugin, the file will be overwritten and the key will be lost, hopefully there will be a proper solution in the next release of ACF

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