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WP Multilang with ACF options page

  • Hello
    How can I relate plugin WP MULTILANG to work with ACF options page ? :/
    It is a possible?

    Please, I need a help with this.

  • Same problem here.
    Any ideas?

  • I found a solution on WP Multilang support, but not working for me ;/
    SOLUTION: You need to add your option page_id to config in “admin_pages”

    What i did:
    in theme directory created file wpm_config.json and inside:
    “admin_pages”: {
    “acf-options-footer”: {}

  • OK, I found it! 🙂

    You need add this in your functions.php:

    function id_WPSE_114111() {
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'id_WPSE_114111' );

    Now you can find in your options page line looking like this:
    ["id"]=>string(37) "header-footer_page_acf-options-footer"

    You need to copy id from quotes and paste it in the file wpm-config.json like this:

      "admin_pages": [

    Hope it helps. Working for me 🙂

    DON’T forget to remove var_dump code from functions.php after everything.

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