Just noticed that after updating to WordPress 3.6, the following error appears at the top of all pages in wp-admin/front-end of site when WP_DEBUG is set to true in config:
Strict Standards: Declaration of acf_taxonomy_field_walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in E:\Xampp\htdocs\site\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields\core\fields\taxonomy.php on line 471
It was not there previously with 3.5.2, showed up immediately upon updating so am guessing they changed something with their Walker in 3.6
Hi @61pixels
Thanks for the bug report. This has been fixed and you can find it in the latest code on github.
Yes, 3.6 changed the debugging standards so lots more errors are showing!
All good,