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What rights for contributors to upload image to custom post type?

  • Hello,

    What rights do I need to set for a contributor to be able to upload images to the custom post type with the front end editor? I only want them to be able to edit their own custom post types and so far the image upload only seems to work when I enable almost all permissions..

  • What type of field is this, an image field or a gallery field?

    Image fields should work, gallery fields require access to the media library.

  • It is the gallery field, we’d like users to be able to upload multiple pictures at once.

  • There are two choices

    1) Use a repeater field, create an acf/save_post action that copies the images from the repeater to a gallery. This would be my choice because it’s more secure.

    2) Give contributors access to the WP media library. There may be a plugin that can do this. Here’s one that I’ve never tried Either you’ll need a plugin that allows it or you’ll need to start searching for code to do the same thing.

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