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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

  • Hallo , ich habe diesen Fehler auf der Startseite

    Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

    in dieser in der 2. Rheihe und 5. Reihe

    $curGroup = Functions::getGroupData($curPoster['userGroup']);
    $curPoster['userGroup'] = $curGroup[1];
    //Use the group's avatar if user has none
    $curPoster['userAvatar'] = $curGroup[2];

    was muss ich dort ändern ?
    Das forum läuft auf php8.0

  • You always need to check a value is what you expect, like an array, before access its properties.

    I have no idea what this is, but it is returning false instead of what you expect it to return

    $curGroup = Functions::getGroupData($curPoster['userGroup']);

    either that of $curPoster['userGroup'] does not exist, where is this set

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