We have a WordPress website(4.0) running in which we add images to a post and inside the “Uploaded to this post” we have the ability to reorder them. I know this is not really meant to be used in this way but unfortunately a client’s website relies heavily on this.
Advanced Custom Fields (4.3.9) seems to add the bug that I can not re-order the images in the media library “Uploaded to this post”. I mean I can physically drag/drop re-order them, but they do not save the position. This does save if I deactivate ACF plugin, and it only breaks for Custom Post Types. I can always still reorder these images and save them in the regular Posts whether ACF is on or not.
I have tried some other things, like including ACF in my theme as opposed to a plugin, but nothing works for fixing this functionality on custom post types other than de-activating ACF. Any hints? Are you guys aware of this issue and is it being worked on? Or any work-arounds? It seems to have broken with the latest update.
Issue fixed by adding featured image support to the custom post type, also seems to have been fixed with ACF V5.