I’m working to update the Google map field via an external form, but I haven’t been able to figure out the correct format. I currently have something similar to this:
$postID = 50;
$field_key = "map_location";
$value = [address => 123 Somewhere Dr. Anywhere, AK 3834 USA, lng => 32.9403, lat => 64.9403];
What is the correct format for $value?
Thanks in Advance
I had to write a converter script to update some fields and this is how I set up the Google map field $value array. Worked fine.
$field_name = "field_53bdd058c84a8";
$value = array("address" => $address, "lat" => $lat, "lng" => $lng, "zoom" => $zoom);
update_field($field_name, $value, $this_ID);
Just to share, if anyone having a problem with WP All Import plugin and Google Maps filed, the above solution works well.
I had an issue with WPAI saving the address, lat and lng but the posts were not coming up in WP_Query. Using the code shared by Yiorgos Theo worked.