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update_field / update_sub_field not working in custom rest-api endpoint

  • I am trying to update a sub field in a custom rest api endpoint.

    Structure of my acf is as follows:

            "fields": [
                    "key": "field_5faa2483959b9",
                    "label": "field group",
                    "name": "field_group",
                    "type": "group",
                    "instructions": "",
                    "required": 0,
                    "conditional_logic": [
                                "field": "field_5faa23d8959b8",
                                "operator": "==",
                                "value": "content"
                    "wrapper": {
                        "width": "",
                        "class": "",
                        "id": ""
                    "layout": "block",
                    "sub_fields": [
                            "key": "field_5fadbecbfcc8a",
                            "label": "field_1",
                            "name": "field_1",
                            "type": "post_object",
                            "instructions": "",
                            "required": 0,
                            "conditional_logic": 0,
                            "wrapper": {
                                "width": "",
                                "class": "",
                                "id": ""
                            "post_type": [
                            "taxonomy": "",
                            "allow_null": 0,
                            "multiple": 0,
                            "return_format": "id",
                            "ui": 1
                            "key": "field_5fa0795d696df",
                            "label": "field_2",
                            "name": "field_2",
                            "type": "text",
                            "instructions": "",
                            "required": 0,
                            "conditional_logic": 0,
                            "wrapper": {
                                "width": "",
                                "class": "",
                                "id": ""
                            "default_value": "",
                            "placeholder": "",
                            "prepend": "",
                            "append": "",
                            "maxlength": ""

    This is the callback I am running on the endpoint:

    function assign_subfield_val( $request ) {
    $parameters = $request->get_params();
    $project = $parameters['project']; //number
    $writer = $parameters['writer']; //number
      if($writer != '' && $project != ''){
    	update_sub_field(array('field_5faa2483959b9', 1, 'field_5fadbecbfcc8a'), $writer, 2527);
    	return gettype($project);
    	  return $parameters;

    I have use update_field and update_sub_field, used both names and IDs, nothing is working.

    If I try to update a top-level field this way it works, but having issues with the sub field. Please help!

  • Does row 1 of the repeater already exist?

    is $writer the post ID of the post you trying to set the relationship to?

  • Actually my mistake was this was not a repeater field. What I ended up doing was

    update_post_meta($project, ‘project_type_content_content_external_writer’, $writer);

    Which appears to work fine.

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