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update acf field to update woo order status

  • for illustration, i have these fields:

    1. the courier used to send an item to customer (slug is courier_o)
    2. the tracking number for no. 1 (slug is tracking_o)
    3. the courier used to send an item (slug is courier_i)
    4. the tracking number for no. 3 (slug is tracking_i)

    what i’m trying to do is update status to “shipping” when fields 1 & 2 has value & update status to “sending back” when fields 3 & 4 has value. to be more specific, these 4 fields exist in one field group & is displayed in the order management page.

    regarding changing the order status, i already know how to do it, so i’ll type that as update_order_status($status, $order_id).

    after going through the forum & docs, i think that for my use, the acf/update_field hook might be useful. problem is, i’m not exactly sure how i should use it with my current code, which looks roughly like this.

    global $woocommerce, $post;
    $order = new WC_Order($post->ID);
    //to escape # from order id 
    $order_id = trim(str_replace('#', '', $order->get_order_number()));
    $courier_o = get_field('courier_o', $order_id);
    $tracking_o = get_field('tracking_o', $order_id);
    $courier_i = get_field('courier_i', $order_id);
    $tracking_i = get_field('tracking_i', $order_id);
    if(!empty($courier_o) && !empty($tracking_o)){
        update_order_status('shipping', $order_id);
    if(!empty($courier_i) && !empty($tracking_i)){
        update_order_status('sending-back', $order_id);

    any reply will be much appreciated. thanks a lot

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