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Unable to get “supports” to work in block.json

  • Hello!

    I have seen a lot of examples of people using “supports” in their block.json file. For some reason I have not been able to get it to work. Am I missing something?

    I am using latest version of ACF Pro.

        "name": "my-domain/icon-bullet-list",
        "title": "Icon Bullet List",
        "description": "Add a list with a FontAwesome icon.",
        "style": [ "file:./icon-bullet-list.css", "file:../../css/fonts.css" ],
        "category": "my-domain",
        "icon": "list-view",
        "keywords": ["icon", "bullet list", "unordered list"],
        "acf": {
            "mode": "preview",
            "renderTemplate": "template-icon-bullet-list.php"
        "align": "full",
        "supports": {
            "spacing": {
    			"margin": true,
    			"padding": true


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