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Text Area Field with HTML won’t generate in the Front End (Elementor)

  • I am trying to get a script to load to pull in a review widget from the company we use.

    Right now I have a Text Area field with the script inside of it, then in my template I have a HTML block that is supposed to pull the Text Area field and display it on the front-end. However, nothing is showing up in the front-end, just extra spacing.

    This is the code I am trying to implement:

    <div id='ss-custom-reviews-widget-root'></div> <script id='ss-custom-reviews-widget-script' src='https://[XXXXXXXXXXX]' ss-custom-reviews-widget-api-key='[XXXXXXXXXXX]' widget-key='[XXXXXXXXXXX]' type='text/javascript'> </script>

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