For the version 5, you think than it will be possible to avoid users (like me really rookie in coding and not from natural english language) to must enter some code in php ?
If possible please simplify us the life, as it is really hard to understand technical, most in english language, so if possible just a front end to insert and create fields (and auto in backend/code).
Obviously I don’t know if possible as 85 % wordpress users now…
If I can help, I already go to private beta testing, I will be the perfect test for you to create a plugin open to all beginners (like Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress, a perfect plugin for us…)
I try to do my websites alone as I don’t have enough money to hire a pro, so in my specificity (villa rentals) I really need to create my own specific fields in templates (not create for that in first like my favorite template worldtravel from Templaza team)
My dream is to can create in 5 minutes without any coding my own specific page template with all my fields
I forgot to ask, but your plugin is compatible with Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress ?
I’m not the developer of this plugin, but as a developer yourself you should strive to improve your skills instead of asking other developers to simplify their work to make it easier for you.
ACF5 is not released yet, you can only sign up for a beta test phase at the moment.
Dear “Arcane no psyche”,
That you wrote in first part is totally useless and really really really idiot, I don’t talk about a free plugin here but about version 5 PRO and even for free version, the point when you develop a work is to can share it easily with maximum people…
And majority are code dummie and don’t want – cannot become expert of coding just for a plugin…
So as client (I spent 100 $ us last night), it is normal to ask to the developer to simplify his product for the users, if he wish make a lot of profits like the example Visual composer.., but perhaps you don’t understand the point of success in business and you are just an selfish not clever with a tiny look around his EGo and no experience of real life.
Perhaps when you stop to live with you parents and begin the real life, you will understand than adults don’t have always time to become a super geek or/and don’t want for many reasons…
I am a father, I am a husband, I lead a company with staff, I don’t have enough time to waste to increase this part of technic.
For these reason I prefer to pay/invest in plugins which simplify my work and you know what, we are a 90 % now like that…
So keep you far away from me with your Juvenal advice….
Hi @kleio2010
AF is a developer tool, not a visual editor.
Thanks for the feedback, but please do not harass my customers.
First I am a customer too actually
Second, I will not support any stupid comment like I received for just a kind and clever request about your plugin, a simple reply is not to harass, opposite, I just defend a point of view who is shared by a majority of future clients…
Third, if you agree about this mind and keep your plugin hard to use or only for developer skills, I will not waste any more time with your product and I will ask refund my payment through paypal resolution center because you present your plugin as simple to use and it is fake advertising….
Final, your choice to stay in tiny a niche clients and make a little amount of money, but if you take a look actually on market, top plugins (top sales too) are made for maximum users with really great interface and easy to use.
I’m agreeing with arcanepsyche – ACF is an awesome plugin with almost seamless implementation.
I’m not in any way a ‘coding ninja’ but can find my way around ACF with ease.
With any plugin you have 2 options – use it or don’t.
If it’s not working out for you then move on and try something else.
Seriously, for the price and for what you can do with ACF, I cannot fault it.
Also, calling someone an idiot really isn’t enthusing anyone to help you.
Another “clever” geek who want to explain the life, so boring, happy than you have enough time to understand how use this plugin, lucky you…
But before write any comment, just learn to read correctly and you will understand “perhaps” my point if you read exactly what I mean in the first message, if not, you are totally useless as your twin…
With such people, we still stuck at stone age…
Thanks @PandS and Elliot, I’m pretty sure the vast majority of ACF developers understand our point, which is all that matters.
And which is your point ? To keep hard to use a plugin, really clever and big open mind…
So stay a follower in your geek sect, but the futur for this plugin or another one similar is not developers but simple users who want increase/custom their templates without boring coding skills to learn.
Perhaps you just scare than “normal people” don’t need you anymore…
Thanks for visual composer and other “clever” plugins did for people without any skills in coding.
Anyway, the market will have always right, and which is all that matters…
If Elliot don’t understand this point, no problem, I am “pretty sure” than another coder will create a plugin with same concept but open to all with a really easy way to use and this plugin will do a real buzz
Enjoy Geekland, and continue to keep closed mind, you are not important anyway
i’m not agreee with kleio2010, The plugin isn’t complicate to use and for Developper you’ll need some skills like PHP basic and WordPress Developpement. If you don’t want to learn then you’ll need to use standard theme and standard customisation.
ACF doesn’t have front-end Visual composer or front-end builder but if you want a plugin who simplify your life you can go on wp-types.com then you can create somes templates inside back-end but i prefer more ACF than WP-Types because ACF is more robust, more friendly interface etc …
i’m french user and yes sometimes WordPress need more complete example documentation
Dear Sirene,
First, thanks for your clever and direct opinion without any low attack (fresh air…), and your good advice about wp-types.com, I will take a look.
Just a point about difficulty, it is totally relative, when you are not a english language native (like me, french too even I live in Thailand) and a beginner, it is not easy, more when you don’t have time to understand each plugin (I use more than 30 on my WP templates).
After you totally right for one point, if you want to become Developper, the minimum is to learn how your tools works, but my case and many people who want to use a custom fields plugin, we are just users of WP and need just easy way to add custom fields on our template, no more.
So perhaps I am not in the right place as ACF look like a tool only for developpers and advanced users, but so the communication is totally not fair and clear about this point.
I really hope kleio is just trolling, lol. ACF is the #1 plugin in wp, must have tool for any wp site your building.
m401, I am not a “troll” and you ? Your comment is 100 % useless, just a propaganda…
Anyway, it is not because a plugin is number 1 (in free version) than I cannot have the right to ask features for PAID version as client!
People who post here to attack me, did you paid 100 $ us like me ? Because if you are just followers of the FREE plugin, just GTH
And it is just a plugin, not a CULT, my right to ask features, even I am wrong…
And take time to read before write… I don’t ask “visual editor”, was example, I ask if possible to avoid write code php, so example: you create your custom field and plugin put auto the php code!
Perhaps I don’t have any skills in code, but some coders must go back to school or go out in real life time to time…
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