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  • How do you use the SELECT custom Field? I don’t understand the documentation and how its used.

    I specifically need to have select-able Regions (countries), that will activate another SELECT field that will populate with retail links for that country (a selection of online retailers).

    Can I do this with the SELECT custom field? IF so, how do I construct it?

    The retailers and countries values should be able to be added via the WP-Admin Editor via the create new post or page editor.

  • Hi @Deelite

    The select field is a simple dropdown input which allows the user to select from a pre-defined list of choices.

    It sounds like you want a select list for the list of countries.

    Then you will need to create another select field which will display the retailers. This choices for this select list should be left blank.

    You will then need to hook into the acf/load_filed filter and populate the ‘retailers’ select list choices based on the value selected by the first select box.

    This is not possible out of the box and will require some PHP, jQuery and AJAX functionality.

    Good luck

  • Is there another plugin or can this plugin be modified to do what I’m looking for. The list of Retailers will vary, and we may add or delete retailers as we update.

    I want to be able to add the Retailer Links from the Edit Page option or Edit Post option

  • Hi @Deelite

    Yes, you can modify this plugin to do exactly what you want.

    You will then need to hook into the acf/load_filed filter and populate the ‘retailers’ select list choices based on the value selected by the first select box.

    You can read about this filter on the documentation page.

    Good luck

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