I searched the forums and don’t seem to find an answer for this.
Is there any possible option to add a “Select All” link within the Post Object select field? There is no way to ctrl-a or hold shift to select multiples, which can make this very cumbersome when needing to select more than just a few options.
ACF uses Select2 for these fields. Even the current version of Select2 does not offer this yet https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/195#issuecomment-13489140. I imagine that if Select2 offers this in the future that ACF will probably include it at that time.
Are there any filters to be able to add/modify the parameters passed to the select2 element? At the very least allowing to set the option to keep the dropdown open on select would speed up selecting large amounts of options.
Additionally, select2 has ways to be extended, and there are a few good suggestions for adding such functionality discussed here: https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/195 filters or actions to modify the ACF select2 js calls would allow us to extend the ACF stuff a bit (and solve my problem here).
It is possible to add custom javascript to fields in ACF https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/adding-custom-javascript-fields/. As far as filters go, there isn’t any way that I know of to filter the fields that ACF is adding, you’d need to do this by changing what ACF does through JS.